How To Effectively Connect Educators With The Audience?

Home / Ferry Intl App | Case Study


The Client

TF International is a real estate's industry coaching and training company that impact professionals to fulfill their greatness.


Unfortunately, due to privacy reasons, I can’t show the bulk of my work that I did at TF International, so for now, you’ll just have to trust that I actually did quite a lot during the ~6 months I worked there. I was a UI | UX Product Designer on the Performance Creative team, leading design on the learning platform, primarily focused on performance management and user engagement. Here are some brief notes about the work I did during this time —

Length of Project

6 months


UI | UX Product Designer

covid19 application design


Performance Management

  • Implemented new continuous feedback model that encourages feedback to be given/requested throughout the year, and not just during official evaluation periods.
  • Successfully built solutions that helped coaches spend less time writing feedback without reducing quality. Success was measured through data insights and user research.
  • Introduced guidance and educational tools throughout the application to promote and encourage Tom Ferry’s feeback culture.
  • Designed a Messenger bot to help remind both coaches and real estate agents to request/write feedback throughout the year. Based on this feature alone, we also built a stand-alone feedback bot that could be integrated into other future applications within the same TF ecosystem. I designed the branding, user interface, and the promotion landing page.

Internal Structural Enhancment

  • Designed the first iteration of Messenger bot tool to help employees onboard new coaches and real estate agents based on their dynamic requirements.
  • Crafted a collaborative experience (with the help from the Product & Sales team) that utilized existing data and forecasting data to strategically upsell users into higher plans.

Success Metrics


These features can be tested in beta mode for a select number of accounts; both coaches and real estate agents. New sets of feedback would be gathered to understand how these features are used and what the pain points are for future iterations.


  • A/B testing on the proposed features
  • Click testing on the amount of engagement spent per screen
  • Track the amount of goals created per coaches as well as goal achievements per real estate agents


If time permits, I would like to add Tips & Insight module to the messenger bot. Now that the main feature have been incorporated into the prototype, I am interested in doing additional usability testing to determine whether the feature is more intuitive. I will use Adobe XD to hand off the design to the developer team when I have made all improvements to the prototype.