Hello, I'm William Huynh and I'm a passionate

UI.Designer UX.Designer



I am a self-taught UI | UX Designer who is passionate about designing digital experiences that leave a positive impact on people, the environment, and society. Shortly after I finished school, I decided to move into design. Since then, I've been developing my skills in UX and visual design. During the past 4-5 years working in various industries such as real estate, SaaS, and the technology space, I have strengthened my skills in various challenges involving user experience and visual design. My strategic approach has been instrumental in making a difference in how people use applications; both inclusive and usable design.

To me, design is a problem-solving activity. As a designer, I understand that the perfect design not only involves visual aesthetics but even more importantly, an interface that functions well. This requires a deep understanding of human behavior and psychology - the outcome of which greatly impacts the overall experience of the product, regardless of the platform.

I enjoy working on projects that require both strategies as well as visual aesthetics. From ideation to the final pixel-perfect design, I love problem-solving and contributing to the overall visual design and user experience.

Currently at Thrive, designing things that help end the stress and burnout epidemic for companies.


What I'm passionate about

UI | UX Design

Web Development

Product Strategy


View some of my case studies
UI | UX Case Study

Design System Growth

Building the LeafKit design system that uses inclusive and reusable designs. The goal was to establish and adopt the improved design system on a company level.

Coming Soon
UI | UX Case Study

Design System Implementation

Lead in creating an updated design system to improve efficiency in team’s workflows; with collaborative efforts from engineers and other stakeholders.

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UI | UX Case Study

E-Learning App

Created a virtual learning app for Ferry International. The goal was to establish a space where those certified educators could connect with the users within the TF ecosystem.

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UI | UX Case Study

Findy App

A draft concept of a financial budgeting mobile application. A simplified approach to better organize personal budget while to improve self spending habits while keeping users engaged in their goals.

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UI | UX Case Study

Travel Spot App

Travel Planning mobile app design case study. A draft concept for the design of a mobile application called Travel Spot. All in one application to make traveling easier for the user.

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UI | UX Case Study

Product Landing Page

Focused on redesigning the website to represent a featured product. Created a modern and clean design that stayed true to the business professional environment is the goal.

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Additional Work

View some of my concept design work

Work Experience

Past & Current
  • Product Designer, Design Systems | Thrive

    • Defining and building products that better the lives of the customers and drive business growth

  • Senor UI | UX Designer | Wpromote

    • Led over 30 design projects for SMB and Enterprise clients; increasing their sales growth by 20% due to my UX/CX implementation
    • Developed and conceptualized a comprehensive UI/UX design strategy in social design, marketing, and branding for client-facing projects
    • Introduced effective user-centered research and design methods focused on UX principles
    • Mentored and trained across a variety of departments to improve team collaboration and design understanding
    • Effectively collaborated with other creatives to ensure that final designs meet UX and UI standards
    • Led & created a web component library for our core design system
    • Collaborated and connected cross-functional partners in marketing, engineering, and creative to ensure timely project delivery

  • UI | UX Product Designer | Tom Ferry

    • Facilitated the product team’s ideation and discovery process by researching, wireframing, sketching, prototyping, and mocking-up user experiences for digital products
    • Conducted strategic design and UI decisions related to core functionality and features, as well as new ones, based on business goals and user research
    • Solely responsible for user interface design decisions that continually led to an average of 30% growth of user engagement MoM
    • Translated ideas and customer insights into concepts, personas, user journeys, storyboards, system maps, user flows, wireframes, prototypes, and high-fidelity mockups

  • UI | UX Developer | Altametrics - Contract

    • Designed and developed product websites to deliver customer-center and modern UI/UX flow
    • Built website templates to streamline future product websites
    • Performed usability testing and provided advanced industry data/market research documentation to support proposed wireframes, and storyboards (user flows, site maps)

  • Web Developer | Altametrics

    • Created a range of visual design deliverables for apps, websites, products, and campaigns
    • Created UI style guides, visual strategies, page layouts, interactions, color palettes, and image assets for the development team
    • Responsible for optimizing the speed, performance, and online presence of over multiple websites and micro sites
    • Maintained scripts related to web applications performance on the web
    • Optimized web indexing in order to achieve 100% up time and hit targeted performance capabilities

  • Product Manager | Altametrics

    • Designed the overall UI | UX of consumer-facing mobile and desktop applications
    • Responsible for managing and creating a strategic product road map starting with the concept, design, and product end of life
    • Conducted market research and analyze trends to ensure the entire new and current products are business relevant and competitive
    • Built concepts, prototypes, and final designs for new products and feature enhancements

  • Manager, Web Design | Mopro

    • Managed projects throughout the entire design cycle, from ideation to implementation
    • Translated research findings from observations, interviews, and usability testing into design solutions and refinements
    • Directed quality control checks on implementation, launched websites, client interactions, and website revisions
    • Collaborated closely with the UI/UX team to refine and build our design system, share user research, and identify design solutions
    • Partnered with engineers and product owners to provide value through designing the interactions, interface, and functionality of our products

  • Web Designer | Mopro

    • Managed the web development process from design consultation through launch
    • Responsible for designing dynamic landing and website pages for multiple accounts
    • Enhanced website structure for current clients based on web and UX trends

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